

Homeopathy is an advanced system of natural medicine that has been bringing healing to the world for over two hundred years and on every continent. Homeopathic medicines may be effectively applied in chronic (long-term) conditions, as well as acute (short-term) illnesses of adults, children and animals. The fundamental principle of homeopathy, termed the Law of Similars, is based on the observation that the specific medicine most truly curative for a patient, will be one that is able to cause a pattern of symptoms very similar to the characteristic symptoms from which the patient suffers. Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) rediscovered the ancient healing principle of curing through symptom similarity, and through careful clinical experiment created and refined the homeopathic system of medicine at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Homeopathy is a truly holistic approach to health; one that emphasizes people rather than diseases. Homeopathy recognizes that each person responds uniquely to the forces of their heredity and environment. The total pattern of mental, emotional and physical alterations from health (symptoms) are the indications of the body’s effort to defend and heal itself. Classical homeopathic method seeks to discover the unique characteristics that mark each individual case of illness. In order to do so, a very thorough case taking procedure is an essential cornerstone of practice. A single homeopathic medicine is then selected for its symptom similarity to the foremost characteristics of the patient. The similar nature of substance and symptoms allows the homeopathic remedy to touch the deep root of disease. Since homeopathy acts upon the constitution as a whole, when a person becomes well through homeopathy they find improvements in their overall health.
What is a Homeopathic remedy?

A homeopathic remedy is an FDA approved medicine that consists of a very dilute substance. When given to someone who is healthy, a homeopathic remedy can bring about the same symptoms it can cure. When given to someone suffering from those symptoms, the body is stimulated to heal on its own and the symptoms resolve. Hence, the name, the Law of Similars, or like cures like. There are no side effects of homeopathic remedies as are often seen in the application of pharmaceuticals. There are no interactions to worry about and these remedies are safe to use on the youngest and most elderly patients. Homeopathic treatment can be used to treat people suffering from the most minor of symptoms, such as a cold, to the very severe like cancer. Of course, the skill of the homeopathic doctor will dictate which types of conditions they choose to treat.
Am I a candidate for Homeopathic treatment?

Many people, suffering from a wide range of health problems, can benefit from homeopathic treatment. This system of medicine has a long history and great success helping people who suffer from the symptoms of many acute and chronic diseases. In addition, homeopathy can be used in conjunction with many conventional treatments.
What can I expect at my visit?

When you visit a doctor who uses homeopathy as a therapy, they will “take your case”. Taking your case involves a thorough and detailed discussion between patient and doctor in which many details about you as a person and the symptoms you experience are gathered. Your case is then studied and the doctor selects the most appropriate homeopathic remedy for you. Your progress is then monitored by subsequent visits anywhere from days to weeks after your initial visit depending on the nature of your ailment.

How do I schedule an appointment?

You can call us at 602-888-1201 and ask to schedule a Homeopathic Intake. Most homeopathic intakes take up to 2 hours on the initial visit for a new patient. This is due to the medical history and the homeopathic interview complexity. For established patients, a homeopathic intake is usually 75 minutes. Follow-up visits in both cases are between 30 and 60 minutes. After the first visit, telephone consultations are possible for follow-ups.